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In 2019 we launched ProjectTransformations. Our initial goal was to create an Arts workshop design that would allow participants to feel fully immersed, connected and vulnerable. In order to reach the greatest levels of fulfilment and success.  


Our workshop model is still one of a kind, due to the specific techniques used by the Artists. 


But why stop there? 


Now not only do we create amazing, innovative workshops for your companies/institutions, but through our new subscription models ProjectTransformations can become an influential aspect in your ability to exceed success expectations. 


We take pride in our ability to: 


  • "CREATE"



The Workshop

Using traditional painting and drawing methods this project invites participants to sit alongside sculptural works and create free hand drawings. Opening a creative dialogue, in a task that some may have never experienced. These creations will be collected and documented by Tuuli, reimagined and transformed into a singular, collaborative piece.

By transforming the initial works of the participants, we use this visual metaphor, to highlight the importance of conversation and collaboration through events. 

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Screenshot 2019-06-12 at 16.12.24.png


Monthly Newsletter

Brown Shapes

Our newsletter content changes every month. Each month Tuuli will write a short essay on topics currently inspiring or motivating them. These can range from anything: Art, Business, Science, Psychology or Culturally focused. 


Each issue will also feature exhibition reviews, imagery and recommendations, be that literature or film related. 


Our newsletters are specifically created to broaden reading material within the company. To provide inspirational material, which on a bad day could completely change an individuals mindset. 


Original Artist Artwork for your Workspace

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One of our premium services here at ProjectTransformations is the opportunity for your company/institution to loan one of our artists work every six months. Rather than purchasing one piece that will soon become outdated, this unique service means that every six months your office/workspace receives a unique, inspiring Artists work A1 and framed. 


There is also the opportunity to hold an in conversation with Tuuli once the new work is hung, treat it like a Private View where all the team can get together with a few drinks and here a dynamic conversation. 

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